Helen Swindley. HCPC reg. Foot Health Specialist. 1# Podiatrist Wales.
Opening hours
Tuesdays: 9:20am-5pm Clinic Appointments
Wednesdays: 9:20am-6pm Clinic Appointments
Thursdays: 9:20am-5pm Clinic Appointments
Proactivefootcare is based at The Wellness Hub 2nd Floor Bodnant Welsh Food Tal y Cafn Conwy LL28 5RP 07842568436 or book online.
You can book clinic appointments though the 'Book Online' button below. Unfortunately we are unable to take on any home visit patients currently.
Treatment options
Want regular foot care?
Our Patient plans start from just £6 per month
Our patient plans give you the following advantages:
No upfront payments at your appointments
Guaranteed no fee increase for 3 years
You spread the cost of your appointments
Discounts off other treatments we offer (depending on the plan you choose)
Your foot health will improve because you are having regular treatment
If this is something you wish to go ahead with, please contact Robyn our Practice Manager. Who will send you the relevant forms.
Plan Options
Standard Plan - £6.00 Per Month
2 Podiatry treatments each year (every 6 months)
Guaranteed regular appointments
No price increase for 3 years
Bronze Plan - £12.00 Per Month
4 Podiatry treatments each year (every 12 weeks)
Guaranteed regular appointments
No price increase for 3 years
Silver Plan - £21.00 Per Month *Recommended*
7 Podiatry treatments each year (every 8 weeks)
Guaranteed regular appointments
10% off other treatment costing
No price increase for 3 years
Gold Plan - £27.00 Per Month
9 Podiatry treatments each year (every 6 weeks)
Guaranteed regular appointments
20% off other treatment costing
No price increase for 3 years
Platinum Plan- £36.00 Per Month
12 Podiatry treatments each year (every 4 weeks)
Guaranteed regular appointments
30% off other treatment costing
No price increase for 3 years
Here at ProActive specialise in the following conditions
please click the conditions to find out more
Athletes foot
It’s estimated that athlete’s foot is present in between 15% – 20% of UK adult population, with this in mind I have a put together a guide from self diagnosing to treating athlete’s foot.
What does athlete’s foot look like?
It an itchy, flakey red rash, that develops in the spaces between your toes.
What causes athlete's foot?
We all have contact with harmless bacteria and fungi that can live naturally on our skin, yet as your feet provide a warm, dark and humid environment these harmless fungi can multiply and cause athlete’s foot to develop.
Athlete’s foot will not disappear on its own, but there are non prescription antifungal medications available, such as Daktarin, Canestan and Lamisil.
Hints & Tips
Use your medication until the symptoms are gone.
Find the best treatment for you. For example, using a product that you only need to apply once, such as Lamisil Once.
Keep your feet and between your toes dry.
Moisturiser will not help, only an antifungal agent can treat it.
In 80% of cases, both feet are infected, so treat both feet.
Prevention of athlete’s foot begins with good, regular self-care. This includes drying your feet and between your toes after showering or bathing. As well as wearing cotton socks and leather shoes.
Back Pain
We know suffering from back pain can be frustrating, it can be down to the way you are walking & a biomechanical assessment & orthoses could help
Please book in for a FREE consultation so we can discuss if Orthoses can help you.
Biomechanics & Orthoses
Are you suffering with:
Foot Pain
Sports injuries
Aches and pains
You can be confident a Biomechanical assessment & Orthoses will help.
What to expect
The Biomechanical assessment will take around 45mins, we will ask you to bring shoes you wear a lot as well as some trainers, shorts & a t-shirt. We will have a look at the way you are walking, with and without shoes. We will check your range of motion and strength.
Once we have completed the assessment we will then talk through the best course of action, we want to control your foot function to improve your back pain, heel pain, bunions or sports injuries etc.
What do Orthoses do?
HELP: With fatigue, heel and arch pain, Back pain
SUPPORT: For “collapsed” or flat feet
CORRECTION/CONTROL: For sports injuries, bunions, hammer toes and corns.
ACCOMMODATION: Or padding to take pressure/ weight bearing off, calluses etc
CONTROL: For the athlete (or person with the gait problem)

Custom made Orthotics

Custom made orthotics

Custom made orthotics

Custom made orthotics

Custom made Flopthotics - For days when wearing a closed shoe isn't possible.

Custom made Flopthotics - For days when wearing a closed shoe isn't possible.
Bunions are very common
Patients who come to see me generally feel they are caused by their footwear, although tight fitting shoes will make them feel worse, the cause is your underlying biomechanics – literally how you walk.
Excessive rolling in (pronation) causes an increased pressure on the big toe joint, people who have a short big toe, or are very active tend to be more at risk of bunions developing
There are 3 stages to bunion development.
Orthotics (a custom made insole) at any stage can prevent the condition getting any worse.
Primary stage
This usually occurs when you are 14-25 years old, the bunion is still a small bump at this stage.
Secondary stage
This usually occurs between the ages of 25-55 years. The 2nd toe can become painful with the pressure and you may start to develop callus on the side of the big toe.
Third stage
The big toe will start to over or underlap the 2nd toe. Shoes become more difficult to wear or fit. The big toe joint maybe painful.
Surgery may be necessary at this stage, but orthotics are essential to realign the foot and prevent reoccurrence.
REMEMBER: Orthotics can help at each stage, to control your foot and stop the bunion getting any worse.
Recommended treatment
Custom made orthotics
Foot strengthening exercises, prescribed by your Podiatrist.

We can remove some of the thickened skin to relieve the pain and pressure from the area.
Please do not try to cut the callus yourself. You could make it more painful. If you would like to try and remove the hard skin yourself I would advice try using a pumice stone or foot file to rub down skin that is getting thick.
We may make you up some soft padding for the area to relive the pressure.
We also offer UREKA products at the Practice, which are great for hard skin and callous.
I would advise the 25% Urea UREKA for thickened skin, please feel free to contact us and we can advice what product would suit you best.
We can remove some of the thickened skin to relieve the pain and pressure from the area.
Please do not try to cut the corns yourself. You could make it more painful. If you would like to try and remove the hard skin yourself I would advise try using a pumice stone or foot file to rub down skin that is getting thick.
We may make you up some soft padding for the area to relieve the pressure.
What does it look like?
Chilblains are red tender patches on the feet, typically on the tips of the toes but can be on the sole.
What Causes Chilblains?
Chilblains are caused by an over-reaction by the tiny blood vessels of the feet to changes in temperature, which leads to the skin of the toes becoming irritated, red and tender.
What can be done to help?
Use chilblain cream twice daily on unbroken chilblains eg. Balmosa or ‘Gehwol’ Red Cream
If your chilblains have ‘broken’ ie become raw and weeping; apply a sterile dressing eg. Melolin daily.
Preventing Chilblains
Some people do seem to be prone to chilblains though we do not fully understand why, but there are several things that will help minimise the problem.
Dress appropriately for the weather. Don’t go without socks or tights in cooler weather. Dress warmly even when indoors.
Keep yourself generally warm but avoid direct heat eg. Don’t toast your feet in front of the fire or rest your feet on a hot water bottle – have a nice bath to warm up instead and have the central heating on.
Well fitting sheepskin lined boots or slippers are very effective. Don’t be shy about wearing boots in the house.
If you need any further advice please do not hesitate to contact us.
Diabetic Foot Health
Diabetes can affect your feet in a number of ways. One of the early changes can be loss of sensation in your feet, often starting at your toes, this is known as peripheral neuropathy.
What does Helen Swindley Podiatrist look for?
Every appoitment we will run a full foot health check, this includes checking both the blood supply to your feet and look for any evidence of loss of sensation in your feet. We will write up these notes and you will have a copy to keep.
Warning Signs
Check your feet, hosiery and shoes daily. If there are signs of redness in any part of the foot or leg, or if the foot feels warmer than usual, this might indicate infection of inflammation, which needs prompt professional attention.
Awareness of pain and injury may be diminished, so inspect the inside of your shoes daily for objects like nails or torn linings, which might cut the skin.
You should urgently consult your podiatrist or seek medical attention, if you see any of the following in your feet:
A break in the skin or a discharge
The skin changes colour, becoming redder, bluer, paler, blacker over part or all of the foot
New swelling in your feet
Sudden experience of an unexplained pain or discomfor
Red or black spot within callus or at a site of a corn
If your eyesight is impaired, or you have difficulty bending down to check, use a mirror or ask a friend to look for you.
Any concerns? please contact us for guidance and advice.
Dry Skin
Are you suffering with lots of hard dry skin and cracked heels?
Don’t panic, help is at hand!
Firstly start using a moisturiser every day for a couple of weeks. This works best if you use it after a bath or shower. I recommend Flexitol Heel Balm or Ureka with 25% urea, they are both excellent.
Put socks on after applying the cream for at least a couple of hours, I usually put them on before bed.
You can be confident after doing this for a couple of weeks your feet will feel as good as new!
If you feel that your feet need some extra care before putting on your winter boots, please book in now!
Fallen Arches
You may have always had low arches,
Or may well have happened suddenly, following a period of intense walking or standing.
Initially, you need to rest and wear the most supportive footwear you have.
I would advise getting yourself booked in for a FREE 15 min consultation with us, so we can diagnose and advise the best treatment option.
Flat Feet
Flat feet are actually quite rare and are usually misdiagnosed.
You may have been born with them, or feel they have just developed in one, or both of your feet.
You may have pain in:
Lower back
You may feel you walk heavily, and ingrowing toenails are a problem.
I would advise getting yourself booked in for a FREE 15 min consultation with us, so we can diagnose and advise the best treatment option.
Fungal Infections/ Nails
Fungal nail infections can affect part or all of the nail, it can causes the nail to become discoloured, thickened and distorted.
Onychomycosis is the medical name for a fungal nail infection.
What does it look like?
The most common sign of a fungal nail infection is the nail becoming thickened and discoloured. The nail can turn white, black, yellow or green.
Now offering Dentron treatment, a painless, side effect free treatment which will clear nail fungus in around 4x 40 minute sessions.
How it works
The Dentron produces a stream of electrically-charged ozone particles. All you will feel is a gentle, cooling breeze.
The method is completely safe, painless and free from side-effects. Dosage control is automatic, and it is impossible to administer an overdose.
Biogun technology even kills the ‘superbug’ MRSA.
Heel Pain
A lot of patients come to see me complaining of heel pain. Rest assured around four out of five cases of heel pain resolve themselves within a year, without treatment, so stay positive!
What causes heel pain?
The causes are not clearly understood, and is probably due to a mixture of factors.
Prolonged standing
Poor posture
Unsupportive footwear, eg: ballet flats, deck shoes.
Sudden increased activity
High or low arched feet
Sudden weight gain
Low levels of activity
1. Do NOT stretch, massage or use night splints. These can make the problem worse in the long run.
2. The recommended treatment is the prescription of Orthotics.
This will restore the inner arch and reduce strain to the soft tissues, helping you become heel pain free!
Ingrowing Toe Nails
How is it caused?
There are several reasons that can lead to an Ingrowing toe nail problem,
the main causes are:
Nail cutting technique which leads to a spike of nail on the edge which may then drive into the toe, causing inflammation and pain.
An excessively curved nail which is difficult to cut.
Walking problems that force the soft tissue against the nail.
If this is the first time you have had an Ingrowing toe nail we can usually relive the pain and problem within a routine appointment. If the pain is recurring we may suggest Nail surgery.
Nail Surgery
If you have been suffering from this problem for some time you will know how much an in-growing toe nail can affect your everyday life.
The pain of Ingrowing toe nails can be relieved permanently without interrupting the rest of your day.
We will permanently remove a small section of the nail, to stop the problem reoccurring.
Please contact us for further details.
Knee Pain
Knee pain is a common condition, that can be experienced by people of all ages, and levels of activity.
Symptoms may include:
Knee locking
Clicking or stiffness
Difficulty ending and extending the knee
Pain around the Knee cap
Anything affecting the foot, will affect the knee. Both rolling in (pronation) or rolling out (supination) will effect the knee over time.
In most cases Orthotics (custom made in shoe devise/ insole), along with Physiotherapy can control the symptoms.
Click HERE for more information about Orthotics
Plantar Fasciitis
What causes planter fasciitis?
The causes are not clearly understood, and is probably due to a mixture of factors.
Prolonged standing
Poor posture
Unsupportive footwear, eg: ballet flats, deck shoes.
Sudden increased activity
High or low arched feet
Sudden weight gain
Low levels of activity
1. Do NOT stretch, massage or use night splints. These can make the problem worse in the long run.
2. The recommended treatment is the prescription of Orthotics.
This will restore the inner arch and reduce strain to the soft tissues, helping you become heel pain free!
Sweaty Feet
We know how difficult this is to live with. If the problem is very extreme it may be worth seeing your GP.
Factors like wearing cotton or wool socks, and leather shoes can be helpful.
Thick Toenails
Thick toe nails can be caused through a variety of problems.
Following an injury to the toe nail, this may cause the thickening to be permanent.
Fungal infection: if the nail is discoloured and/or crumbly, you may have a fungal infection. If this is treated your nail may recover completely.
We do not recommend treating verrucae unless they are painful, they will often self resolve and there is little chance of catagion to other people. If they are painful we use Cryo therapy to treat them.