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Custom made Orthotics

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Step 1:

Assessment & Analysis

Within this assessment we will have a good look at your movement and mobility, some of the ways we may look at this are:

  • Walking with and without footwear

  • Walking on the treadmill

  • Checking lower limb joints for levels of mobility

  • Film you walking or running

  • Have a look at the shoes you have brought with you, and checking that they are giving you enough support.

  • Talking through your medial and injury history

The main aim of this assessment is to find out why this problem has developed, and talking you through the best way we can control it.

Step 2:


Once we have talked through why the problem has occurred, we will take a 3D scan of both your feet and photograph them, from this I will be able to prescribe a custom Orthotic to control your foot problem.


It will then be sent to our laboratory in Barcelona , and they will fabricate your in shoe device (Orthotic) for you. (They normally take around 2 weeks to arrive, but can take up to 3 weeks).


Stretches or strengthening exercises may also be suggested at this point, these will be emailed over to you, with an image and a short video to remind you of each exercise.

Step 3: 

Orthotic Fitting

Once your Orthotics have arrived, our reception team will give you a call and get you booked in for a fitting appointment.


Within your fitting appointment, your new Orthotics will be fitted, and we will talk you through wearing them over the next few days.


We will then get you booked in for a review in around 4 weeks, to make sure the Orthotics are working correctly and answer any questions you have.



Why should I come to ProActive Footcare?

 We are focused on giving the very best, and  latest foot care treatments. We are the only provider Edser 3D Custom made Orthotics, in north wales.


As a result, patients who come to see us, are confident that we will provide them with the best possible care, and will help them reach their foot care goals. 

Do I need Orthotics?

YES, everyone can benefit from orthotics. But if you have back, heel, arch, shoulder pain, etc, an orthotic will really help relieve and stop the symptoms from re occurring.


Will they fit in any shoe?

This is a difficult one to answer, yes I can have them made that they will fit in any shoe, but the results vary. Having a suitable pair of shoes with your Orthotics in, will give you the best results.


I would advise getting a second pair of Orthotics if say if you’re a keen runner, but have to wear a court shoe for work, so that you are getting the best results.

We can have a chat about what shoes you would like to wear them with, within your assessment, to make sure you’re getting the best all round Orthotic for you.


Do I have to wear them all the time?

Its best to be wearing your Orthotics for about 5 hours a day, 5 days a week.

But I have to say, most people love wearing them, and wear them most of the time to get maximum benefit.


How long will they last?

Again this is a difficult one to answer, as it is completely dependent on how much you wear them.

On average, if you are wearing them 5 days a week, for 5 hours a day, we would expect the Orthotics to be working there best for about 12 - 18 months.

If your Orthotics are looking worn, you can have the top cover replaced.



Keep your feet happy this summer

The Flopthotic integrates a custom made orthotic into a flip flop style, whilst maintains the flip flop style. No one will know you are wearing a flopthotic… unless you tell them.


One of our favourite parts of the Flopthotics, is that they are completely custom to you, you can choose the sole, middle and top colour.


They will be completely unique to you!


So say goodbye to the flip flops and hello to Flopthotics – trust me, you will never go back!

It’s the alternative for those moments you are not wearing a shoe


Flopthotic is an alternative to conventional treatment, it doesn’t cover 100% correction expectations of a regular treatment because it is an open shoe. Same applies if you are wearing high heel footwear.


Flopthotics are an alternative for those moments where we are not wearing a closed shoe, such as at home, around the swimming pool, on holiday or weekends.


What is truly relevant is that it holds internal arch on the right posture and load, and helps us to align and distribute the gait on Meatheads.


The Flopthotic has been tested an used by hundreds of Podiatrist in the US and was FDA approved 5 years ago, it is also starting to be used by Podiatrist in the UK

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